Personal Project

Ana Teresa Barboza

Jennifer Angus

Mister Finch

Refined Idea and Sketch
I liked the idea of making a scene with some kind of story element, so my idea is to make a 3D nature scene kind of representing the food chain. I want to use fabric to make the animals present, as well as dyed and embroidered fabric around the outside of the box to look like foliage. I still want to incorporate bioluminescence into this project so I looked at what different colors of dyed fabrics and embroidery thread looked like under a blacklight and it looked like white threat and the rojo dye were the brightest.
I want to hide the blacklight in the top of the scene behind some fabric so it looks like the animals and plants are glowing with bioluminescence.

I’ve always been fascinated by nature and the beauty of bioluminescence, and I really wanted to focus on that for my personal project. I wanted to depict a scene showing off bioluminescence in nature, and I accomplished this through dyed fabric and embroidery thread that glows under a black light to mimic this natural bioluminescence. I wanted to add some human elements to the scene, so I made a snake and a moth dancing together on a fluorite stage, with their glowing features adding to the theatricality. I also added some classical music to make the dance feel even more alive and beautiful, with the lines and details adding some elegance to the scene.
